The Research Conclusion

When we were heading inland by car, we found an elementary school and decided to talk to the principal about our research. He understood the concept and kindly cooperated by stopping a class to let us meet the students. I looked closely at the students’ feet and came to a significant conclusion, noting a huge difference between the children in Japan and this country where people walk barefoot especially in 3rd to 4th grade (9-10 years old). This observation suggested there was not a big difference when the children were 5 or 6 years old, but a clear difference in their feet by 6th grade (12 years old), the age at which Japanese children suffer from bunions, ungrounded toe and flatfoot while these local children had toes that could grasp the ground firmly.

When these children grow up, they have well-balanced soles to maintain good balance of body and to protect their body from shock and torsion waves. In these regions, few people suffer from unidentifiable chronic pain, autonomic imbalance including depression and panic attack, and also few people who commit suicide. There were some people who said they experienced back pain, for example, after fallling off a tree while getting a coconut or because of the pregnancy. Those instances have clear causes of the back pain and thus, they are not included in the pain or malfunction caused by imbalanced soles.

Foot print in a country where people walk barefoot

Foot print in Japan who have knee or back pain

Children carrying things on their head
Even children can carry things on their heads as their trunk of the body is stable due to a well-balanced sole.

A Family of farmers and their well-balanced soles