Instep Pain
Instep pain occurs frequently to overweight middle-aged women with the callus type of bunion and also high arched foot. In this condition, the bone is elevated and there’s a throbbing pain when walking. In advanced cases, the instep is painful to touch. Young people also experience acute cases with strong pain and not being able to put their foot on the ground.

Instep pain often involves subluxation of the Lisfranc joint.
With bunions or ungrounded toes, the big toe is bent upward and does not touch the ground, concentrating the weight on the instep, with painful Callus luxurians developing in time. The metatarsal bone is often subluxated upward in people with a high arch while the bone is subluxated downwards in people with flatfoot.
In the early stages characterized by mild pain, we suggest practicing the Kasahara Taping Treatment (in case with foot pain) continuously for 2 to 3 months.
In advanced cases and for those who are overweight, in addition to the after Kasahara Taping Treatment (in case with foot pain), a bandage should be wrapped around the foot joint to reduce the weight load. Treatment should be continued for 6 to 8 months.
A simpler alternative to the Kasahara Taping Treatment (in case with foot pain) is to use the bandage and 3-toe socks in combination while substituting the bandage on the foot joint with the heel lock supporter.
To cushion the foot while wearing shoes, use the seismic isolation insole (artificial muscle insole).
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